2012 October
True Modern and Jonti-Craft shoot
On 12, Oct 2012 | No Comments | In Assisting, Photography, Second Shooter | By nilesphoto
I had the pleasure of being the second shooter and assistant for Odell Hussey Photography on this project. Odell was hired to shoot video and stills, highlighting a joint venture between the furniture design house True Modern, andĀ children’s furniture manufacturer Jonti-Craft.
Jonti-Craft True Modern by Edgar Blazona
Odell and I are working out details on how to incorporate his video expertise into a traditional interior design photo shoot. The rough idea is to bring in a small track to shoot HD video with interesting pans and sweeps to give you a better sense of the space, and deliver video in a style that is easy to edit down for promotional videos or video vignettes for your web presence. We will be working out a package deal to make it easy for my clients to add a video element to traditional photo shoots at a minimal cost.