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Southern Landscapes Southern Landscapes Southern Landscapes Southern Landscapes Southern Landscapes Southern Landscapes

By nilesphoto

On 24, Jun 2012 | In | By nilesphoto

Southern Landscapes

Years back, I took a road trip to Savannah and worked my way towards Charleston, then up the coast of the Carolinas. I was too busy having fun to shoot more than ten rolls of film. Here’s a sample of what came out of that trip.

Fine Art Fine Art Fine Art Fine Art Fine Art Fine Art

By nilesphoto

On 24, Jun 2012 | In | By nilesphoto

Fine Art

This is a series I was working on a few years back. Some are from up and down the west coast, and others are from a road trip to the south.

Roxy at the Madonna Inn Roxy at the Madonna Inn Roxy at the Madonna Inn Roxy at the Madonna Inn Roxy at the Madonna Inn

By nilesphoto

On 24, Jun 2012 | In | By nilesphoto

Roxy at the Madonna Inn

This was a modeling test for a friend. I used it as an excuse to shoot a bunch of extras to use as stock or possibly fine art. These are my favorites from the shoot.

126 Fine Art 126 Fine Art 126 Fine Art 126 Fine Art 126 Fine Art 126 Fine Art

By nilesphoto

On 24, Jun 2012 | In | By nilesphoto

126 Fine Art

When I was still working at Light Waves Imaging, I became fixated on dying film formats, and shot as many 126 film cartridges with my Kodak Instamatic as I could before the film line was completely retired. This is a selection of shots from Georgia and along Hwy 17 to South Carolina.